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758 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by 時代精神黑 758 days ago
1991 年的今(17)日,立法院三讀通過廢除以 #唯一死刑 壓迫主張臺獨者的《#懲治叛亂條例》,但臺灣人仍未獲得主張臺獨的自由。直到 1992 年 5 月 15 日,立法院三讀通過修正 #刑法第一百條,5 月 16 日生效後,臺灣才成為自由社會,至今剛滿30年。你知道這兩個法案過去如何箝制了臺灣人的自由嗎? 臺灣於 1987 年 #解嚴,1991 年《#動員戡亂時期臨時條款》廢止,臺灣才結束了被迫加入「#中國內戰」的狀態。然而這並不表示臺灣人獲得了言論自由。 當時有《刑法》第一百條,明定「意圖破壞國體、變更國憲者」將面臨徒刑,被俗稱為「#內亂罪」。另還有《懲治叛亂條例》第二條第一項,規定「犯刑法第一百條第一項者,處死刑」。 1991 年 5 月 9 日的「#獨台會案」後,在輿論壓力下,《懲治叛亂條例》被火速廢除。但《刑法》第一百條的枷鎖仍在,WUFI-Taiwan(台灣獨立建國聯盟) 主席 #張燦鍙、副主席 #李應元、新國家運動發起人 #黃華、及台灣建國運動組織發起者 #陳婉真 等人,都因為主張臺獨被以刑法第一百條關在獄中。中研院院士 #李鎮源、臺大經濟系教授 #陳師孟、臺大法律系教授 #林山田、中興大學資工系教授 #廖宜恩 等人組成「#100行動聯盟」,主張廢除《刑法》第一百條,讓臺灣人有真正的自由。中(華民)國國慶日前夕,100 行動聯盟成員在閱兵台進行演練時,卻遇到……?
台灣研究古籍資料庫:主要是日殖時期出版,想起來有讀著阮學校有中殖了後圖書館 kā 日殖時期 ê 冊燒了了啞是 siàⁿ ê 代誌,阮學校是中師228受難重災區...
向基層民主志工致敬的盛會 «在威權的天空下»出版了,12/13(日〉下午二時,將假台中中央書局舉行新書會。請大家一起來迎接這本紀錄台灣威權時期,21位活躍街頭、投身輔選的台中鬥士,參與瓦解黨國體制的感人故事發行。
〈Muifa 回家了〉 最近服部車禍意外身亡的噩耗,讓我想起了另一位已逝的氣象迷。 那時我只有國三,也是踏進氣象坑第二年。因為還沒有 PTT 帳戶,所以都是泡在百度颱風吧和中國颱風論壇等討論區,和兩岸四地的板友們一同討論氣象、颱風擬人和各地風土文化(那時候還不會動不動就「辱華」,讓人備感懷念的一段時光)。 還記得上海氣象迷們都在談論,有關休閒娛樂板和學業交流板板主 Muifa(本名戚黎明,板友們還給他起了個暱稱叫做「發發」)罹癌的事。據 James Yang 所說,他是位和藹可親、對氣象領域饒富熱忱且頗具知識水準的板友;可惜命運給 Muifa 開了個天大的玩笑,年紀輕輕便患上極其致命的胃癌,而且病情還不斷惡化。雖然大家都在為他祈福,但終究不敵病魔,年僅十五歲便撒手人寰。 就在昨天半夜十二時半,一個也叫做 Muifa(梅花)的颱風以高強度登陸上海。大家都說「Muifa 終於回家了」,而其中一位板友還覺得,假如逝去的人們真的存在靈魂,或許這場颱風可以說是這位板友漂蕩在太平洋的靈魂,睽違數載終於回到魂牽夢縈的家鄉,並將眼淚化作風雨,灑在這片他曾經生活過的土地上...... 而我也相信,自己死後終究會化為天氣系統一部份,用另一種方式存在這世上。
812 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by krishna tiwari 812 days ago
We likewise utilize local citations to amplify your local visibility.
862 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by Oliver Lee 862 days ago
Oliver L Buy Cenforce 150 | sildenafil citrate | use | reviews | side effects | alllprimepill 
What exactly is Cenforce 150 mg?
Cenforce 150 mg is the safest medication on the market to treat erectile problems for men and assist them to improve their performance in the bed together with partners.
It is regarded as one of the top products prescribed by the pharmacist as well as medical professionals for treating impotence issues.
It is commonly referred to by the name the Cenforce red pill 150 mg because it contains sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient. It is a PDE5 inhibitor. It is known for its regular blood flow to your penis and aiding you to maintain an erection for a longer period and make your partner happy.
Uses of the Cenforce 150 mg
The principal purpose behind Cenforce tablets 150 mg is to aid different adult males to eliminate the issue of erectile dysfunction at its root so that they can be in a position to relax in the bed.
Recently, it has been discovered that the issue of erectile dysfunction is growing faster than STDs or cancer. This is the reason they must be addressed as soon as it is possible.
Based on the cause of erectile dysfunction that you have in your body as well as your present state of the health situation, your physician is the person who will be able to recommend the proper dosage and strength of these pills to treat the issue of Erectile dysfunction.
Many doctors suggest that you take these pills 30 minutes before sexual activity for an improved sexual experience.
According to Cenforce 150 mg reviews, the patient needs to make sure they are taking the proper precautions to get their treatment safely and without adverse effects.
Before you begin your treatment with Cenforce tablets, it is crucial to ensure that you're not allergic to the nitro-glycerine ingredient or any of the active ingredients found in this medication, otherwise, you could suffer adverse effects and require urgent medical attention.
But, it is one of the most commonly approved and prescribed medications by the FDA however, it is advised to purchase Cenforce at 150 mg from approved stores only to ensure that you are assured of the proper treatment with no fake worries.
If you're on the treatment of other Products for ED, and it interacts differently with Cenforce.
In such a situation you should consult your physician and discuss your medications before you begin taking Cenforce's 150 mg tablets.
Cenforce can be only taken by pupils who are older than 18 years old. Everyone who is above 45 years old is advised to take this medication only after obtaining the proper prescription and discussing it with their physician, otherwise, they will be suffering from muscle cramps due to health issues.
Benefits of Cenforce 150 mg
Cenforce therapy offers positive results for those having erectile dysfunction for an extended period.
Erectile dysfunction is the result of the irregular circulation of blood in the male body.
The medicine acts as a sexual stimulant, so when you're sexually aroused, it can provide an ongoing supply of blood and make your penis erect more difficult, and last for a longer period.
Cenforce 150 mg medicine is a sildenafil citrate-based medicine that aids in relaxing muscles and maintains blood flow to the penile part of the body.
In the end, it is believed to be among the most effective drugs available to treat erectile dysfunction issues among adult males.
Side Effects
Cenforce is adverse consequences do not require medical treatment since they are only temporary and mild.
The adverse side effects that are temporarily caused by Cenforce are
  • Rhinorrhoea
  • Headache 
  • Flushing
  • Dryness in the throat
  • Face redness 
  • Visual disturbance 
  • Dizziness 
  • Drowsiness
1483 days ago
Unfiled. Edited by jack23 1483 days ago
jack23 Kibana Data Analysis Certification Course Uses
Kibana Data Analysis training makes you an expert in building the applications by leveraging capabilities of Data Visualization and role of an expert in it, Accessing Kibana, Indexed content management and etc. The course begins with an overview of event data and how Elasticsearch can aggregate this type of data in near real-time. If you are interested in data visualization, the Kibana data analysis training is one of the best options available to you to simply transform your skills. This Kibana Data Analysis Certification Training also provide Mock test and practical sessions.

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