Net Neutrality Advocacy

(Text to be modified + extended!)

A breach of net neutrality could harm a fair and open competitive market where companies are required to actually provide better and less expensive products in order to satisfy their customers.

A broken net neutrality would allow companies to invest capital into buying them self a monopoly.

It could lead to a situation where certain internet providers in Hong Kong would prioritize NetFlix over Youtube and so on which would lead to a mono culture and non-free market lead by a few big companies which do not have the need to improve on their services because of their newly gained monopoly.

It can only be in the interest of the internet business community in Hong Kong to ensure that all companies are bound to a fair play when it comes to online business.

------------(Notes below) ------------------------------

Net Neutrality

Petition – threshold + promotion (Chinese text)

- Concrete vs hypothetical cases / similar legislations in other countries (e.g. India)

- Goal: To prevent brainwashing / *commercial monopoly (violates customers’ choice)

To ensure equal access to the internet / free access to information

e.g. PCCW

e.g. The mail


- Prevent companies from injecting codes and data into communications

- Prevent deliberate slowing down of network speed (e.g. speed limitation in Portugal)

- Prevent favourism for certain companies / websites / (manipulation of) advertisements (e.g. whatsapp, Wikipedia)

- Prevent monopolies 

- Provide reliable service to any kind of information (e.g. YouTube loads as fast as Netflix)


*Quality of service / service rules

Legislative Council / Charles Mok

Communications Authority: initiates legislative process but hard to reach (?)