vTaiwan/g0v NYC hangout

Slack context 

The purpose of this document is to make a rough plan for a hangout in NYC for anyone in the area who is eager to discuss vTaiwan and g0v process in North American context.

(Don’t be intimidated by the multi-day itinerary -- just for ideas for those in the city during that time!)

Dates (tentative)

Mon, July 10 - Saturday, July 15, 2017


Who’s coming?


What do we want to do?

Potential Itinerary

Fri, July 14

8:45am patcon arrives in NYC via greyhound

Sat, July 15

4:00-7:00pm Rally at Trump Tower

Sun, July 16

Mon, July 17

Tue, July 18

6:30pm ProgHackNight @ ThoughtWorks! tickets. 

Wed, July 19

Thu, July 20
