g0v summit planning
Who’s in? patcon, thebestsophist, devin
Location: near venue (within an hour?) Map to drag around
Nights: Tue, Oct 2 - Wed. Oct 10 (8 nights)
- 3 guests / beds
- 2 rooms (1 open to sleep in common)
- < $100 USD ($40/$40/$20)
Filtered Airbnb results
- Fantasic View - 10min to Taipei 101
- $80/night
- Bannan transit line
- small downside: in a wooded parky area, so 13 min walk to MRT stop
- might be able to walk to venue through park-like area, but seems maybe private?
- 1h transit to venue
- Street View

- Your home in Taipei! Comfy new 2rm apt. MRT Donghu
- 1分鐘到MRT地鐵&近101;搭地鐵到西門寧夏士林饒河夜市*歡迎長期預約住宿
- $84/night
- 25 min walk to venue
- Bannan transit line
- ROOT『森活趣』(文山區整層兩房電梯公寓)適合2-4位(MAX 4PPL)
- Whole floor loft alone two bedroom apartment without elevator ~ Up to 5 people
- Love Taipei T1愛台北/2房/Taipei 101/捷運市政府站/住2-5人
- USD $69/night
- 8 min from Taipei City Hall MRT
- 35-45 min transit to venue
- washer/dryer
- Love Taipei T1A愛台北/2Rooms房/Taipei 101/捷運市政府站/住2-5人
- USD $69/night
- 8 min from Taipei City Hall MRT
- 35-45 min transit to venue
- washer/dryer
- 整層出租-兩房一廳,近台北101,捷運,電梯大樓。適合家庭,最少訂二人
- USD $71/night
- right beside Taipei City Hall MRT
- 25-35 minutes to venue
- non-english posting might mean they aren’t as accommodating of english-only speakers?
- MRT捷運站5分鐘台北101信義區百貨商圈饒河街溫馨適合親子家族旅遊 Richard’s house
- 兩大房間,松山火車站松山捷運站走一分鐘,樓下就是步行街。西門町七個地鐵站,廁所乾濕分離房間安靜可加床
- $84 USD/night
- right beside songshan station
- 45 min transit
- no couch-beds in common areas